Self-Discipline is Modeled
/Self-Discipline is Modeled
Mom and dad, we’re speaking to you. As Sensei George teaches self-discipline at our Braselton location to our digital learning and our after school karate students, there is something more powerful than his teaching. You, mom and dad, are more powerful teachers of self-discipline.
Stop and think about this for a moment. Are you modeling self-discipline right now? Are you controlling your impatience? Are you controlling your snacking and bad habits? Do your children see you exercise and staying fit? You don’t have to answer out loud but acknowledge the truth in your heart. The reality is that even as adults, we faulter. Perhaps we feel like we’ve earned the right and freedom to do whatever we want despite how unhealthy our habits are. We can sweets all day and shouldn’t feel guilty about it, right?
Parenting and adulting in this season is incredibly difficult as it is without little eyes and hearts watching our every move. The pressure is there. Our choices impact the choices our children make. Luckily for you, you’re not alone. Legacy MMA is a resource. We’re your partners if you want us to be. As for this self-discipline business—we’ve got you covered too.
You can model self-discipline by making karate and kickboxing a family affair. We offer adult classes after our after school karate classes at all our locations. Try a class for free or go on and register. Check the schedules for a class that fits your schedule.
Braselton Karate and Kickboxing
North Gwinnett Karate and Kickboxing